All interventions are not always on the improvement of the economy, but supported by a paradigm change and transformation of power from men to women, including increasing the role of women in decision making positions. The strategy used was not always rely on anaesthetized male, but has accommodated the needs, experiences, aspirations and injustices experienced by women. Paradigm women see women not as a problem, but as equal partners who must begin to be involved in efforts to achieve equality relationship between the two.
Now present some movements alliances and involvement of women to achieve gender equality. But of course it takes time and the process is not quick to get into the realm of gender equality paradigm where there is no negative labeling and divisions originating the role of standardization role unfair to men and women. The role of information and advocacy alone was also considered insufficient to enhance the role of women in the public sphere. However, changes in the level of structural and paradigm-was key. That's a true effort to achieve gender equality. When the relationship between men and women and between women and women are no longer discriminated between rich and poor and the standardization of gender roles detrimental, surely that equality (equality) and justice (equity) true.
Culture media (media culture) refers to a condition in which the display of audio and visual or tontotan-spectacle has helped assemble everyday life, dominated the entertainment projects, forming political opinion and social behavior, even providing supplies material for forming one's identity ( Kellner, 1996). Print media, radio, television, film, internet and other forms of technology late media have provided definitions to be male or female, to distinguish statuses of the person based on class, race, or sex. (Maria Hartiningsih, 2003)
In society, often emerging view that women are sex objects whose primary function in the world, is to serve man. And because the imaged as sex objects, the perception that women should appear and behave as sex objects is a must. Women should be performed with the addition of sexual attraction, must be willing to experience sexual harassment and should recognize the aggressive male sexual behavior. These images are in the mass media we are also in the soap opera soap opera on television.

But in fact the media is also a means or can be used as an effective solution for disseminating a positive outlook towards women. In the midst of the commodification of women's bodies and sexuality, has emerged the efforts of a number of media workers are aware of their responsibility to create a better society and fair. Therefore, the development forms an impression or alternative products should continue to be pursued to combat the massive strength of the tendency of objectification of women in the media. In addition, the solution through education, women can improve the quality and competence, so that they will have a "price". Then from the government, the solution can be obtained via the broadcasting commission should have the ability to provide a clear and unequivocal regulations to support gender equality.
Role of women in development is very necessary. For that women should take a strategic role in the development process, in order to ensure women participate direction of the country, so that women get their basic rights as human beings are glorious. With the involvement of women, then women's interests will be more distributed and more than that, the policies that emerge will reflect a policy-oriented gender equality. The strategic role that can be run by women include:
First, the role to take part in designing a new model of development, which is driven by a good governance and gender justice. Women can encourage the development of new insights and new measures, so that the progress of women is still perceived in the eyes of women and gender bias instead of glasses.
Second, the role to take part in the political process, especially the process of political decision-making that may have implications for public life. In this case, the women it was time to build the courage to enter the realm of politics, both the driving force political parties to parliament, or fight through the position of the head region.
Thirdly, the role to take part in the process of socio-economic and production, as well as extensive community process. Women can drive the national economic recovery is more character, ie based economy of production, not consumption.
Therefore, women had time to take advantage of space that has been opened with the best. Some policies are beginning to show an awareness of gender equality, would need to be expanded and in turn, the direction of motion and the whole country, oriented on building the livelihood of equal and fair.
Review continued on next page
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